Does it come with a warranty?
Every Pool Tiger, Spa Tiger and Pond Tiger carries an automatic 5-year, non-prorated, full-replacement warranty. A Lifetime Warranty will be extended to all pool owners who register their purchase with our company, either by completing a form on our site or by completing a postage paid card found inside the shipping container. Warranties are subject to some limitations.
Does Pool Tiger completely eliminate the need to use chemicals like chlorine?
No. Although a Pool Tiger does significantly reduce the need for chlorine and other chemicals when a pool’s pump is run according to our recommendations, the risk of an extreme and unanticipated contaminant infestation is ever present. As such, we advise Pool Tiger owners to maintain a minimal amount of residual chlorine or bromine in their pools for safety’s sake.
How will I know how much to cut back on chlorine after installing a Pool Tiger?
Every pool is unique, so it would be impossible to create an accurate chlorine reduction guideline that applies to every pool. But generally speaking, you will want to reduce your chlorine level gradually. The key to watch for is discoloration due to algae or other contaminants. The idea is to keep just enough chlorine in your pool to avoid this discoloration but no more. Should you see discoloration, either increase the run time of your pump temporarily, increase the saturation rate of your chlorinator or salt cell slightly, use shock as needed, or a combination of the above.
How does Pool Tiger extend the life of pool equipment?
The sanitizing chemicals added to swimming pools usually contain acid or interact with the water to form various acidic compounds. These acids generally have a corrosive effect on equipment and finishes. Mineral buildup can inhibit the proper function of equipment, which shortens its life expectancy. Pool Tiger reduces the need for sanitizing chemicals, keeps acidity levels low, removes existing buildup and prevents new buildup from forming.
Can Pool Tiger work on my hot tub?
We make a similar unit called the Spa Tiger, designed to fit most hot tubs. Contact your dealer for more information.
Can you use a Pool Tiger on a saltwater pool?
Yes. Pool Tiger will perform the same functions in saltwater as in non-saline pool water.
Is there any problem with me installing a Pool Tiger myself?
No. Installation instructions are included with every Pool Tiger sold. Installing a Pool Tiger is a relatively simple process if there is ample room on the return line. Otherwise it may be necessary to create a loop, which makes the process a little more complicated. However, we should advise that any failure to follow installation instructions that results in damage to the unit may void the warranty.
Does Pool Tiger heat a swimming pool?
No. Although Pool Tiger’s process creates heat, the unit’s chamber is designed to dissipate heat. By the time the treated water returns to the pool, it is only slightly warmer – a degree or two at most – than the existing pool water, which immediately absorbs the remaining heat and quickly dissipates it. With an unheated pool, sunlight and ambient air are the two factors which most significantly affect the pool’s temperature.
What kind of maintenance does Pool Tiger require?
None whatsoever.

If I buy a Pool Tiger, can I fire my pool service guy?
Although Pool Tiger does simplify the job of maintaining a proper balance in pool water, pool chemistry can be somewhat complex. Pool service technicians are trained to understand pool chemistry so contaminants do not affect the health of pool users. In addition, Pool Tiger does not eliminate the need for basic pool maintenance, such as skimming, emptying baskets, cleaning filters, checking pool equipment, making minor repairs, etc.
Does Pool Tiger come with an instruction manual?
Each Pool Tiger comes with installation instructions and pump operating recommendations. If your installer fails to give you this document, you can find a link to the same information here.
How long is a Pool Tiger supposed to last?
Pool Tiger carries an automatic 5-year replacement warranty that can be extended to a limited Lifetime Warranty simply by registering your purchase with the company. Pool Tiger is a solid state unit with an impact-resistant, thermoplastic housing. A self-cleaning unit, it has no moving parts to wear out or break down. The original prototypes were installed more than 20 years ago, and they are still producing the same results as when they were new.
What happens if my Pool Tiger breaks or is damaged?
Although the chances of a Pool Tiger being damaged under normal circumstances are very slim, should your unit be damaged due to normal handling and operation while under warranty, you are entitled to return it to the company to receive a replacement unit. Simply contact your dealer to make arrangements. Pool Tiger’s warranty does not cover damage due to an insured peril such as a catastrophic weather event, fire, vandalism, etc.